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A Legend's Way Is Not Imitable

Updated: May 16

A Legend's Way Is Not Imitable
A Legend's Way Is Not Imitable

Why You Can't Learn From Legends

A Legend's Way Is Not Imitable

Lets get straight to the point.

There's not a single legend - dead or alive - that you can learn from; as way of mindset or greatness routine or any special source that makes one legend.


There's not a single book, podcast, internet article or even the legend themselves penned a step-by-step self-help guide to help anyone in achieving legend status.


The reason why is because a legend's journey is too inherently chaotic and nonlinear that even they struggle to explain clearly the process themselves.

What must be understood, there is no special mindset they possess the average person seemingly aren't without. If one wishes to be legend or simply to achieve success, the desire to be one is simply enough. Your ingenuity and the thirst for learning will naturally take care of the process.

This isn't about trusting the process - its letting go of any process, dissolving all mindsets, mental mastery, behaviour mentality or self improvement althogether that is not line with your geniune personality and instead emerging one with the craft.

Greatness cannot be bottled into a formulaic; practice 1,2,3, follow A,B,C equip with x's star mentality, and off you go, you'll become legend.

Nothing special emerges from such rigidness, straight arrow lane.

A legend's journey looks more like this:

Draw Inspiration from one source, begin with another, combine this, add that, blend both elements, simplify, see it grow into something else than eliminate what doesn't fit, fresh insights alter perspective. Further combination of x, y, z. Get away from the craft for a while, coming back with new profound ideas and perspectives, further exploration and experimentation, research this area, seek guidance, witnessing craft involving into something else, waking up 3am in the middle of the night with a revelation, delve deeper research, simplifying, elimination and reintroduction.

You get the idea...

The journey is unique to THEM. They may or may not have found a mentor who guided THEM, it doesn't imply you must do the same. Their evolving routines or methods may have been effective for THEM, which then continues to evolve. Therefore if you should follow suit, you will fail. They found a way that motivates THEM, their source of motivation will not have the same effect on you. There is no SECRET.

In trying to follow a legend's path, You will not intuitively grasp why they pivoted to another idea or strategy. You haven't laid the foundational groundwork that led THEM to their insights. In trying to be smart by copying what they are already doing, will end horribly because you have not understood the intricacies.

When greatness is prescribe through an inspirational mindset by watching a motivational video from x athlete or reading about x entrepreneur- and attempting to emulate their approach - you are missing the genuine learning curve that is distinct to YOU .

Whatsmore, who's to say the legend didn't waste time in areas that proved to be ultimately in vain? Perhaps, they would have achieved even greater success!


Searching for the "special sauce" in studying a legend's behaviour or mindset as the cause and effect overlooks the foundational roots at the core of their essence.

A legend's way is NOT imitable.

Your ingenuity and the thirst for learning will naturally take care of the process.

There is something in the universe that wants you to forge your own path- A way that is unique to you, and you only.

Your journey to legendhood lies in embracing your unique individual process. You need to be unafraid of venturing into unexplored territories that others have yet to tread, as this will grant you the opportunity to discover what others have yet to find.

Eventually, they may attempt to follow in your footsteps, only to stumble and falter.

Because your trailblazing path is unique to you and to you only.

~ The Journey To Legend ~

The secret sayings

True transformation comes from the correct exposure. When spoken or written, the essence behind the words has the power to connect to personal experience, thus creating a living understanding, thus creating transformation.

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